Crossword puzzle for July 28, 2000

1. Labels
5. Make from scratch
8. Portrays
12. Mixture or medley
13. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, home
15. Big cat
16. Actor ____ Holliman
17. Tip over
18. Copper coin formerly used in India
19. Connoisseurs
22. Degree
23. Permit
24. Domed projection on church
26. Former Harlem Globetrotter Marques ______
29. Defaces
31. Lamprey
32. Exchange
34. Stealthily advance
36. "Big-hitting" golfer John ____
38. Struck
40. Charitable gifts
41. Makes things level or square
43. Smells
45. Lease
46. Serious injury or shock
48. ______ Hale
50. Sea eagle
51. Portuguese for "Saint"
52. Backside
54. Action to end a labor dispute
61. Beers
63. Northern sea ducks
64. Not crazy
65. ____ of Green Gables
66. Energetic people
67. Not odd
68. Satisfy
69. Darken by sun exposure
70. Stitches

1. Kicked with a toe
2. Jai ____, sport
3. Young female
4. Uniquely
5. Cloth made from mulberry bark
6. Association (abbrev.)
7. ____er-totter
8. Alabama (abbrev.)
9. Glass slipper girl
10. A distinct pitch or sound
11. Catch
13. Dairy spreads
14. Vapor
20. Canvas covering
21. Speculation (abbrev.)
25. Mesopatamian god
26. Circulatory muscle
27. Power to entice through personal charm
28. Island group of the south Pacific
29. _____ Hall
30. Spermal fluid
31. Eastern Daylight Time
33. Dept. of Defense
35. Pacific Standard Time
37. 365 days
39. Mistake eliminators
42. Stars
44. Pierce
47. Handed out
49. Steeds
52. Sheep sounds
53. Forearm bone
55. Violent disorder
56. Concept
57. Vagabond (Old English)
58. Lower part of a roof
59. Once more or again
60. Knows (Scottish)
61. Look

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for July 2000

Last modified: July 28, 2000. Copyright 2000 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.