Crossword puzzle for August 14, 2000

1. Lady
5. Wooden block or peg
8. Soviet Union
12. Ferrous
13. Cases of prolonged deep unconsciousness
15. Vomit
16. Highlander
17. Gifted or capable
18. Wading bird
19. Actor Hayden _____________
22. Dynamite
23. Actress Charlotte ___
24. Officer's assistant
26. Intense
29. Latin for "High mountainous"
31. Quip
32. Forward
34. Fasteners
36. Cover on a sore
38. Bear
40. A plant with licorice-flavored seeds
41. Toss
43. Followers of the Koran
45. Expressing disapproval
46. Moe, Larry or Curly
48. Established fact
50. Island
51. Counter or opposed
52. Operations (abbrev.)
54. Acting as an independent contractor
61. Tardy
63. Labyrinths
64. Chief of the Norse gods
65. Forbidding or unpleasant
66. Hurry away (slang)
67. Denoting change
68. Circle fragments
69. Star Wars' ___ Solo
70. Where the sun rises

1. Flat circular object
2. Curved structure that acts as a support
3. Attach to a fixed object
4. The whole thing
5. Computer network component
6. Portent
7. Intervals
8. United Press International
9. People who sublease accomodations
10. Natural body covering
11. Repose
13. The state of being a Christian convert before baptism
14. Take illegally
20. Wife of Abraham
21. Small bites
25. Actress ____ Merrill
26. German-born A bomb scientist
27. Lacking in art skills
28. Scary
29. Grown up
30. Celery
31. Pacific Standard Time
33. Donkey
35. Super Sonic Transport
37. Negative cheers
39. Ironically scornful
42. Wild animal related to the dog
44. Sub-atomic particle
47. Bacteria
49. Revenue
52. 1972 Olympic gymnast ____ Korbut
53. Young salmon
55. Individually
56. 5th century BC Hebrew high priest
57. Not fatty
58. Concept
59. Eggs of a louse
60. Small biting fly
61. Emergency Medical Services

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for August 2000

Last modified: August 14, 2000. Copyright 2000 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.