Crossword puzzle for September 8, 2000

1. Connects two points
5. Concealed
8. Young Men's Christian Association
12. Ferrous
13. Veins of ore
15. Small stream
16. Consumes
17. Islamic name for God
18. Covers a healing wound
19. Not inherited
22. Registered Nursing Assistant
23. Fish eggs
24. Mythical ship
26. Rhythmic verse
29. Catholic "preacher"
31. Cut or remove
32. Absconded
34. Walks nervously
36. Beers
38. Heightened awareness
40. Braided cord
41. Ceremonial fires
43. Work bread dough
45. Needle
46. Plains of South America
48. Reduced to nil
50. Level
51. A small amount
52. Taro root paste
54. Parish lady
61. Selves
63. Feeble and frail
64. Wasn't built in a day
65. Sea eagle
66. A disciple of Paul
67. French for "Summers"
68. Repose
69. Golf ball support
70. Lairs

1. French for "Place"
2. Modern-day Persia
3. "Excepts"
4. Guarantee
5. Excavation
6. Inactive
7. Deceased
8. Years (abbrev.)
9. Makes small things seem big
10. Tribe
11. Duke of ____, conquered Portugal in 1580
13. The Lizard constellation
14. Cutting off
20. Folding camp beds
21. Drops falling
25. Toothed cog
26. Benign growth
27. Surgical actions
28. Yellows of eggs
29. UN Secretary General: Javier _____ de Cuellar
30. Lukewarm
31. Circuit of a track
33. Chiefs Hall of Fame QB, ___ Dawson
35. Currency unit
37. Half
39. Grows teeth
42. Speculation (abbrev.)
44. Sketch
47. Buddhist monk who has achieved nirvana
49. Scent added
52. Equal
53. Monster
55. An individual thing
56. Solemn procedure
57. Hint
58. Speck
59. "So shall it be"
60. Loch ____ monster
61. Collection

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for September 2000

Last modified: September 8, 2000. Copyright 2000 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.