Crossword puzzle for October 19, 2000

1. Incapable
6. Norse god of thunder
10. Vipers
14. Rises high
15. Magical symbol
16. Petty quarrel
17. Dyke
18. Angers
19. "Little House" actress ____ Gilbert
20. A solid dielectric
22. Book of the Old Testament
24. Utilized
25. Samson's "barber"
26. Shortened
29. Federal Insurance Contributions Act
30. Utters sound
31. Arranges into layers
37. Stalin's chief aide Segei Mironovich _____
39. South Korean monetary unit
40. Mother of pearl
41. Removes bacteria
44. Protuberance
45. Musical note
46. Short sleep
48. Illustrates again
52. Festive occasion
53. Unwind
54. Somber
58. Hillside (Scottish)
59. Semitic people
61. Collection of maps
62. Areas of lessened atmospheric pressure
63. Deprived of feeling
64. Atomic physicist _____ Bohr
65. Consequence
66. Refuse
67. French for "School"

1. Island
2. Christmas
3. Projecting overhang
4. One that precedes
5. Sleeping sickness insect
6. Attempted
7. Cause physical pain
8. Single
9. Show consideration
10. Tropical South American palm tree
11. Chip or fragment from stone
12. City in Italy
13. Hide or store away
21. Increases speed of an engine
23. Killed
25. Actresses Keaton or Ladd
26. Requests
27. Enticement
28. Cowshed or barn
29. Made solid by loss of heat
32. 2 born at the same time
33. Wonderful or marvellous
34. Symbol
35. Ancient German earth goddess
36. Ooze
38. Short biographical accounts
42. Flatland at the base of a plateau
43. Mark left by a wound
47. Paraffin series (Chemistry)
48. Russian currency
49. Enlist
50. Illustrates
51. Baseball great PeeWee _____
52. Talkative (slang)
54. "Darn!"
55. Margarine
56. Enclosed shopping space
57. Essence or being
60. Regret

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for October 2000

Last modified: October 19, 2000. Copyright 2000 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.