Crossword puzzle for November 20, 2000

1. Statement of belief
6. "Oh my!"
10. Immediately
14. Accumulated facts or traditions
15. Johann Sebastian ____
16. Diocese near Naples Italy
17. Gather
18. ____ la Douce
19. Racist organization
20. Hates
22. Washed his hands
24. Grains
25. Ore
26. Type of mathematical transformation
29. Clumps of grass and soil
30. Head (archaic)
31. Bad luck
37. Attempted
39. Rodent
40. Shot from a bow
41. Manager of entertainment
44. Initial wager
45. Meshes
46. Comes up
48. Slag
52. Beat (slang)
53. Irritate
54. City in Belgium
58. Sicknesses
59. Inactively
61. Biblical cut-rock pool near Jerusalem
62. Sound like an object falling into water
63. Gunfight
64. Not gifted with talent
65. French for "Without"
66. Current
67. "Bewitched" actress _____ Moorehead

1. Sheathed
2. City in Italy
3. Periods of time
4. One who plunders
5. Legendary Gaelic hero
6. Genus of coniferous trees
7. Roman household tutelary deities
8. Academy of Country Music
9. US Poet Karl Jay _______
10. Foot joint
11. Pertaining to the sun
12. Winged
13. Flat rectangular piece
21. Stalk
23. "Below"
25. Muslim religious judge
26. Against
27. Information sheet
28. Toss with a spin
29. Emperors
32. Angry
33. Walking about casually
34. Vases
35. Written communication
36. Female sheep
38. Patron saint of France
42. Near the beach
43. Hawaiian island
47. Large Eurasian nation
48. Boats
49. Arum lily
50. Artificial fabric
51. Coarse files
52. Humorously with irony
54. Leaked blood
55. Style
56. Move with a steady gait
57. Saturdays (abbrev.)
60. Ineffective or unsuccessful

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for November 2000

Last modified: November 20, 2000. Copyright 2000 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.