Crossword puzzle for January 2, 2001

1. Fanatical
6. Sharp intake of air
10. Pointed instruments
14. Derivative of "Eileen"
15. Operatic solo
16. Footwear
17. 4-footed animal
18. Ad-____
19. Title for a king
20. Shielded
22. Balances
24. Intercollegiate athletic organization
25. Projecting part
26. Browns bread
29. "Inter-____"
30. Actress ____ Lanchester
31. Expect
37. Reposes
39. Attached to a shoulder
40. Unit of measure in chemistry
41. An economic theory
44. "Little House" actress ____ Gilbert
45. Costa ____
46. Choice
48. Travails
52. Manufactured goods
53. Warning sounds
54. Pertaining to trees
58. Columnist ____ Barrett
59. ____ and hearty
61. City in Florida
62. Small insect
63. Angers
64. Sustained postures
65. Leer
66. Plague
67. Rendezvous

1. Bones that protect the lungs
2. Actor ____ Baldwin
3. Brown or grizzly
4. Lacking understanding
5. Become aware
6. Helmet-shaped part of an insect
7. Dry
8. Brother or sister
9. City in northeast New Jersey
10. Very (musical term)
11. Free from color
12. Actress Sophia _____
13. Saw (archaic)
21. Space agency
23. Assert
25. Makes slender
26. Semester
27. Margarine
28. Association (abbrev.)
29. Skylighted rooms
32. Narcotics officers
33. Knowledge derived from experience
34. Jai ____, sport
35. Tropical plant with edible starchy root
36. Style
38. Done to a guitar
42. Blimp
43. Biblical country
47. Punctual
48. Very slow tempo (musical term)
49. With
50. Trite
51. Speak
52. Forcibly pull or twist
54. Beers
55. Not difficult
56. 50s brother singing group
57. Tilt
60. Metric unit of area

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Last modified: January 2, 2001. Copyright 2001 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.