Crossword puzzle for February 24, 2001

1. Shovel
6. Hard, steady work
10. Tiller
14. Financial examination
15. Conceal
16. Used in skin lotion
17. Grind (teeth)
18. Ends a prayer
19. ____ Name
20. Compassion
22. Fly that transmits sleeping sickness
24. Son of Seth (Bible)
25. A state of good health or condition
26. Made amends
29. Scorch
30. Read Only Memory chips
31. Citizens of Hispaniola
37. Sneak
39. Pin or bolt
40. Steal or arrest (slang)
41. A language of India
44. Weather office
45. Wharf
46. Frenzied woman
48. _______ing = honest
52. Peaceful
53. Glossy cotton fabric
54. Mounted to move freely (pivot)
58. Poisonous tropical Asian tree
59. Send forth
61. Useful
62. Undersized
63. Utterly destroy
64. City in Italy
65. Mats
66. Collections
67. Barely sufficient

1. Droops
2. Weak or feeble
3. Biblical first man
4. Handed out
5. A gaseous hydrocarbon
6. Middle eastern rulers
7. Resembling a certain citrus fruit
8. Long narrative poem
9. Plants of the genus Gentiana
10. Refuge
11. Select group
12. Deposit of fine windblown soil
13. Apportions
21. "Different Strokes" actor ____ Bridges
23. Undress (slang)
25. Pretend
26. Curved support
27. Actress ____ Spelling
28. Portent
29. Smudge
32. Chose
33. Pertaining to making movies
34. Unknown
35. Intercollegiate athletic organization
36. Large edible marine fish
38. Several young insects
42. Transgressors
43. Muslim prayer leader
47. Photograph collections
48. Seize
49. Pacific country, _____ New Guinea
50. Get up onto one's feet
51. Exams
54. Essence
55. German for "Purple"
56. Style
57. Depression in a surface
60. Actress ___ West

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