Crossword puzzle for March 2, 2001

1. Fiddler crabs
4. Turkish leader title
8. Seat
12. Sorrow
13. Greater number
14. After a prayer
15. A way to get lost
17. Computer music standard
18. Things coming one after another
19. Toffs
21. French for "Gray"
23. Shells
26. A woman hired to suckle a child of someone else
29. An organism that feeds off another
31. Radioactivity unit
32. Mammal genus
33. Belonging to us
34. Reformer
36. Latch a window
37. Compels
38. Hose
40. Bird genus
42. Father of the Titans (Mythology)
46. Detest
48. A radioactive element
50. Egyptian god of life
51. Golfer ____ Norman
52. Sheep sound
53. Take upon oneself
54. Assists
55. Total

1. Utilizes
2. Hollow in a cliff
3. Month in the Hebrew calendar
4. The former ruler of Afghanistan
5. Chatted
6. A continuous portion of a circle
7. Perceived
8. Ballroom dances
9. Something left off or ignored
10. The central bank of the US
11. Black tropical American cuckoo
16. Near in space or time
20. Wood sorrels
22. Trade
24. Small ornamental ladies' bag for small articles
25. Eastern European people
26. A curved support
27. Harelike rodent of the pampas of Argentina
28. Flatterer
30. Changed course
32. Cornmeal
35. Peaceful
36. 3 handed card game
39. Drop-offs
41. Heroic tale
43. Bills
44. Two-toed sloth
45. Line formed by joining two pieces
46. Possessed
47. Doctors' group
49. Asian country ___ Lanka

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