Crossword puzzle for March 16, 2001

1. Hall Of Fame
4. Dirt shoulder
8. Automated Data Processing Systems
12. International Trade Organization
13. A sword similar to a foil
14. A deified hero worshipped as an avatar of Vishnu
15. Candy
17. ____ Von Bismarck, Iron Chancellor
18. Digressions
19. A suitable moment
21. Native American people
23. Ragout of game in a rich sauce
26. Bambi was one
29. Ridicule
31. Type of tree
32. Demeter
33. Annoy constantly
34. Primitive calculators
36. Badgers company
37. Nephritic
38. Large genus of erect or climbing prickly shrubs
40. Stake
42. Jousting weapons
46. Opposed
48. Be suspended in the air
50. Was
51. Former pitcher ____ Hershiser
52. The longest division of geological time
53. Yield
54. Loch ____ Monster
55. Midway between north and northeast

1. Fissures
2. Inventor of the safety elevator
3. Points
4. With no brim or bill
5. Happenings
6. Record (abbrev.)
7. Rendezvous
8. Fragrances
9. Determine time
10. Payment (abbrev.)
11. Portuguese for "Saint"
16. Stink or smell
20. Egyptian goddess
22. More dried-up
24. A protective ditch
25. German woman's name
26. A beloved person
27. Czech River
28. Gave forth
30. Concludes
32. A religious splinter group
35. Pertaining to dogs
36. Tilt
39. Travels on water by wind power
41. _____gate = lengthen
43. Herb ____, San Francisco columnist
44. English college
45. Monetary unit
46. Basics
47. Born of
49. Before

Crosswords Today's solution Word searches High Yield Investment Programs

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