Crossword puzzle for March 20, 2001

1. Encrypted
6. Delivers the mail
10. Personal (abbrev.)
14. San Antonio fort
15. Midday
16. Filthy residue
17. Make a payment
18. Tardy
19. Greek for "The same"
20. One dedicated to the arts (slang)
22. Not digital
24. Fully intent
25. Long cooking pins
26. Any silicon hydride
29. Singles
30. Compile or modify
31. A lounge at an airport
37. Pink-colored
39. Reference (abbrev.)
40. Noise made while sleeping
41. Shrubs of the genus Staphylea
44. Eat
45. "____ and Andy" radio show
46. Drawn in
48. Speech impediment
52. Slender tissue joining two parts of an organ (anatomy)
53. Advocate of papal supremacy
54. Composed in poetic metre
58. Modern day Persia
59. Wading bird
61. Fragrance
62. Particular points
63. County in Ireland
64. Chromosome units
65. French for "Summers"
66. Move from side to side
67. Paradises

1. Noted scientist ____ Sagan
2. Margarine
3. Expletive
4. Moved out of the country
5. Ancient city in central Palestine
6. Not illuminated
7. Fly high
8. Marijuana
9. Running shoe
10. Expression of disbelief
11. French for "School"
12. Doubtful hearsay
13. Cases of polluted air
21. Mimicked
23. Where birds sleep
25. Something fouled up
26. Eastern European people
27. False god
28. Actress ____ Kudrow
29. Starts or establishes
32. Mistake
33. Not wanted
34. Displease or disturb
35. Sea eagle
36. Sow the field
38. John Quincy _____
42. Agents that cause vomiting
43. Run at a moderate pace
47. Make angry
48. A pile or stilt
49. Fortune-telling cards
50. Swiftly
51. Short skirts
52. Annoying
54. Star in the constellation Cetus
55. Ice cream ____
56. Ends a prayer
57. Young girl (Scottish)
60. Front end of a boat

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Last modified: September 8, 2001. Copyright 2001 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.