Crossword puzzle for March 21, 2001

1. State broadcaster of England
4. Young of domestic cattle
8. Wings
12. Opening
13. Gelling agent
14. A vertical spar for supporting sails
15. A widely occurring iron oxide ore
17. Tibeto-Burmese people
18. Beaten eggs cooked until just set
19. Confusion
21. Geological times
23. Dicot genus
26. Large burrowing rodent of South America
29. Being a keepsake
31. A collection of anecdotes
32. Here is (contraction)
33. Western India island
34. Have in view
36. Pre-Easter period of penitence
37. Wasting of the body during a chronic disease
38. Soul and calypso song
40. Where the sun rises
42. Winged fruit
46. Strays
48. Telephone assistant
50. Card game
51. Tropical Asian starlings
52. European Currency Union
53. Compared to
54. Biennial Eurasian plant with a swollen edible root
55. Viet ___

1. Knife weapon
2. Sticks outward from the crown
3. Arrived
4. Gives whippings
5. Throwing oneself from side to side
6. Skeletal muscle
7. Actor/dancer ____ Astaire
8. A major South American river
9. The shore of a lake
10. Burnt residue
11. 7th Greek letter
16. Evergreen trees and shrubs having oily one-seeded fruits
20. Area units (metric)
22. Infections
24. Month (Hindu calendar)
25. Pornography (slang)
26. A written agreement
27. Old World buffalo
28. Australian capital
30. Fuel
32. Snake sound
35. A recurrent time marked by major holidays
36. Priest
39. Jewellers weight unit
41. Grave
43. Egyptian sun god
44. Cape near Lisbon
45. Any plant of the family Araceae
46. A newt in its terrestrial stage of development
47. A cheer
49. "As American as apple ___"

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