Crossword puzzle for June 9, 2001

1. Filfth
5. An involuntary and abnormal muscular contraction
10. Identical
14. Smell
15. Medieval fiddle
16. Mild exclamation
17. Network of nerves
18. Pertaining to modern-day Persia
19. A large and scholarly book
20. Competitions involving speed
22. Science (abbrev.)
23. 40th US President Ronald R_____
24. A socially prominent person
27. Gorilla
30. Registered Nursing Assistant
31. Individual Retirement Account
32. Relative Biological Effectiveness
35. Animal disease
37. Devoured
38. Medieval chieftain (Scandinavia)
39. Regions
40. Beam
41. Rumanian city
42. Swiss capital
43. Expression of bafflement
44. A rectangular groove made to hold two pieces together
45. Very fast airplane
46. Rodent
47. Smoked salmon
48. Nigerian City
49. Divides
52. Moroccan capital
55. Nocturnal mouselike winged mammal
56. Famous court case: _____ and Venzetti
60. Ancient Hebrew month
61. Germanic silver coins
63. Chilly
64. Counsel
65. Awry (Scottish)
66. Isodor ____, American Nobel physicist
67. German river
68. John Howard _____, US actor
69. As well

1. Glacial trough
2. Notion
3. Officer training
4. Tall woody plants
5. Asian island country ___ Lanka
6. Former name for Iran
7. Manila hemp
8. Mental infirmity as a consequence of old age
9. Phone company
10. Stiff hairs or bristles
11. Highly excited
12. Female parent
13. Biblical garden
21. Infections
23. The 7th letter of the Greek alphabet
25. The neural structure consisting of the brain and spinal cord
26. Anger
27. People from Arabia
28. Whittles
29. Roger _____, film critic
32. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation
33. Short or concise
34. A way to rinse
36. 007's creator ___ Fleming
37. Express pleasure
38. Triangular sail
40. Plant with a thick bulbous edible yellow root
41. Single-reed instruments
43. Come to pass
44. Decay
46. Retired (abbrev.)
47. Used especially in the Mediterranean
49. A fencing sword
50. An exchange of several tennis strokes
51. Posterior sections of pelvises
52. Scarce or unusual
53. In bed
54. A way to wait
57. A bituminous fuel
58. Male swans
59. Stew with chickpeas
61. Pat
62. Grain

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