Crossword puzzle for June 17, 2001 |
ACROSS 1. Used especially in paints or adhesives 4. Chinese revolutionary 7. Ancient country 12. Auricle 13. Engine additive 14. Makes reefs 15. The academic world 17. Capital of Guam 18. People's Republic of China 19. Catholic religious sister 21. A woolen cap of Scottish origin 22. Spend one's leisure time 24. Computer jargon for 1 million 25. A flight in which the aircraft pilot is unaccompanied 26. Express delight 27. A ceremonial procession 29. Lines of equal barometric pressure 31. A B vitamin 35. Honors 37. Turns into noun 38. An Iranian language 41. Spy agency 42. Cheerless 43. ___ Dhabi, Arabian capital 44. Shallow container made of metal 45. Mandela's party 46. Lotte _____, singer of Kurt Weill music 48. Holy day of rest 52. State of sudden fright 53. Protects the environment 54. Helps little firms 55. Group of chemicals 56. Runs PCs 57. Sorrowful |
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1. Round globular seed 2. Holiday (slang) 3. Algonquian language 4. Millisecond 5. Automated teller machine 6. The first event in a series 7. Look intently or quickly 8. Domestic swine 9. The Muse of lyric and love poetry 10. Unoriginal 11. San Antonio fort 16. Not damp |
20. African nation 22. Hawaiian dish of taro root paste 23. ___ Angeles 24. Percussion instrument 25. A very large body of water 27. "Hand" of a dog 28. The god of the underworld in ancient mythology 30. Humbug 32. The dead body of an animal 33. Mountain on Crete 34. Horny projecting jaws of a bird |
36. Gargled 38. Sense organs of insects 39. At right angles to the length and opposite the center of a ship 40. Islamic sect 42. Dunn & Bradstreet (abbrev.) 44. Frequency or speed 45. Camel-hair cloaks 47. Other side of yang (Chinese) 49. Military mailbox 50. To Be Announced 51. Possessed |
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