Crossword puzzle for February 21, 2002

1. Escape key
4. South African currency
8. Hebrew month
12. Alias
13. Money exchange fee
14. Genus of frogs
15. Putting new lining
17. Engrave
18. Small harpischord
19. Sea eagle
21. Tidy
23. Compelled
26. D D D
29. An amino acid
31. Electronic countermeasures
32. Infections
33. Zero or none
34. Deletions
36. Yield
37. Graphic symbols
38. Indian intoxicant
40. Macaws
42. Gasoline jelled with aluminum soaps
46. Detest
48. The scholarly world
50. Ends a prayer
51. ____baga = turnip
52. Circle fragment
53. Fellow
54. Consider
55. Scottish for "Own"

1. Hearing organs
2. Beehive
3. City in Colombia
4. Indian princess
5. Troublemaker
6. A unit of distance in Thailand
7. Chief magistrate of Venice
8. Sporting venues
9. NBC newsmagazine show
10. Mandela's party
11. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
16. Hostelries
20. Greek letters
22. Rubber wheels (British spelling)
24. Children's author ____ Blyton
25. Expunge
26. Bambi was one
27. Beige
28. Gave off
30. Reverberate
32. Former Persian Empire capital
35. Calm
36. A cloak worn over the shoulders
39. A woman of refinement
41. Chalcedony
43. Oriental nursemaid
44. Former unit of currency in Italy
45. Spice made from the dried covering of the nutmeg seed
46. Possessed
47. A Dalton (Physics)
49. A stimulus to act

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Last modified: February 21, 2002. Copyright 2002 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.