Crossword puzzle for June 26, 2002

1. Stop
5. Pierces
10. Father
14. Operatic solo
15. Small vascular growth on a mucous membrane
16. Anagram of "Cone"
17. Food elevator
19. French for "Seven"
20. A triangular forward sail
21. City in Norway
22. An angle between 90 and 180 degrees
24. Read Only Memory chips
25. Armyworm
26. Celtic priests
29. Probable
30. Simple song
31. One of Christ's disciples
32. Mayday
35. Found in skin lotion
36. Comforter
37. Leave out
38. Affirmative
39. Lubricated
40. Not fresh
41. An enzyme
43. Notwithstanding
44. Changeable
46. Body powder
47. Boulevard
48. Japanese rice wine
49. Anagram of "Boa"
52. Daffy or Donald ____
53. Creation or design
56. Winged
57. A line of railway cars
58. A sanskrit language used in Pakistan and India
59. Hair on a horse or lion
60. Family lines
61. Free advances to the next round

1. Pilgrimage to Mecca
2. Wild African sheep
3. Appendage
4. A bill in a restaurant
5. Cramps
6. Labors
7. Male singing range
8. Farewell
9. Cog
10. Pertaining to the mail system
11. Relating to an aneurysm
12. Coke's rival
13. Portrayed
18. Arboreous
23. Coffin stand
24. Customary practice
25. Placed
26. Normandy invasion day
27. Annoy or anger
28. A family of American Indian languages
29. Dike
31. Heart rate
33. Not watercolors
34. Leave intact (proofreading)
36. Variations of a language
37. Relating to the ear
39. The pokeweed tree
40. Tramp about
42. Player on one of New York's baseball teams
43. Rouses
44. A woman of refinement
45. Fleshy lobe at the back of the palate
46. Understood
48. Break
49. Breezy
50. Augur
51. Burden
54. Mineral-bearing rock
55. Vat

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Last modified: June 26, 2002. Copyright 2002 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.