Crossword puzzle for July 22, 2002

1. Takes charge of a certain job
5. Burnt residues
10. Bridge
14. Margarine
15. City in Florida
16. Queen of the gods (Greek mythology)
17. Lily of the Nile
19. Relating to urine
20. Drain or exhaust
21. Pocket bread
22. Complain whiningly
24. "Stop" for a horse
25. Elevate
26. In this place or thing
29. Moral codes
30. Thick woolen fabric
31. A sago palm of India
32. Resort
35. Anagram of "Sect"
36. Journeys in a vehicle
37. Female child
38. Indicates "Before"
39. H2O
40. Not sink
41. Shorebird
43. Actions
44. Withdrawn from active participation
46. Monetary unit of Bulgaria
47. French for "Examination"
48. Lack of difficulty
49. Old French penny
52. Pleasant
53. Containing petroleum deposits (2 words)
56. Confederate
57. An earth pigment
58. A Jewish month
59. Sediment from fermentation
60. Provided the letters of a word
61. Bouquet

1. Extinct flightless birds of New Zealand
2. Seaweed
3. Tongue of a wagon
4. Soak in a liquid
5. Thin membranous embryonic sac
6. Genus of the nuthatch bird
7. Laughter
8. Flightless bird
9. A king in ancient Greece (Greek mythology)
10. Skunkbush
11. Approval to do something
12. A zodiacal constellation (the Ram)
13. Mother-of-pearl
18. Louse
23. Seed coat
24. Urinates (slang)
25. Express audibly
26. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
27. Pitcher
28. Container
29. A large northern duck
31. Equipped
33. ____matic = practical
34. Altitudes (abbrev.)
36. Extremely hungry
37. Tissue that surrounds neurons
39. Was dressed in
40. Part of the retina
42. British people (slang)
43. Arid region
44. Pertaining to the kidneys
45. Forced expulsion
46. Tag
48. A river in central Europe
49. Grain storage building
50. Burden
51. Not beautiful
54. Elf or gremlin
55. A fabric with prominent crosswise ribs

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Last modified: July 15, 2002. Copyright 2002 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.