Crossword puzzle for August 7, 2002 |
ACROSS 1. Coop or pen 5. Bring upon oneself 10. Dry cold wind in SE France 14. Look lasciviously 15. Frivolous 16. Tautomeric compound 17. Reapportion 19. Cigarfish 20. Doctor of Education 21. In bed 22. Furrow 24. Russian emperor 25. Male sibling 26. "For richer, for ______" 29. Part of a sentence 30. Canker 31. A search 32. Rapid Eye Movement (dream stage of sleep) 35. Holds the head up 36. Changes in direction 37. A genus of water scorpion 38. Not me 39. 3rd 40. Someone doomed 41. Badly or ailing 43. Savages 44. A soft light woolen fabric 46. Precipitation 47. Heavy stick bound with iron 48. Where the sun rises 49. Law enforcement agency 52. Mudfish 53. Approval to do something 56. A type of meson (subatomic particle) 57. Words to a song 58. An alliance of countries 59. Found on a beach 60. Affirmatives 61. Launder |
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1. Center of an object 2. Matured 3. Happy 4. Snake-like fish 5. Line connecting points of equal pressure 6. More pleasant 7. Clothed 8. Ultimo (abbrev.) 9. Darnel (2 words) 10. Stupefies 11. Unable to express yourself clearly 12. Dry white Italian wine 13. Deacon |
18. "Death ray" 23. Defeat utterly 24. Journey 25. Mix 26. Inferior in strength or significance 27. Margarine 28. Military control 29. Pungent vegetable and meat dish 31. Feather pen 33. Sword 34. The Red Planet 36. Possessing 3 layers (2 words) 37. Person, place or thing |
39. A steady sound 40. Coarsely ground hulled corn 42. At the ready (2 words) 43. Fundamental facts or principles 44. Wing movements of birds 45. Vampire 46. Bog hemp 48. Goes astray 49. Threadlike chain of cells 50. Negative cheers 51. 1/12th of a foot 54. Center of a hurricane 55. South by west |
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