Crossword puzzle for October 11, 2002

1. Meat about to go bad
5. Unit of electric current
10. Small flute
14. Notion
15. Half-diameters
16. Lazily
17. Sport invented by Naismith
19. Close by
20. Earned Run Average
21. Told an untruth
22. Fungus gnat
24. Fewer
25. Childhood disease
26. A forceful consequence
29. Mahatma
30. Bake
31. Heals
32. Short Term Memory
35. Altitudes (abbrev.)
36. More sick
37. Estimated Times of Arrival
38. Pouch
39. Dwarf buffaloes
40. Malice
41. Concealing
43. An emetic
44. Wolfsbane
46. Unit of area
47. Glimpse (British slang)
48. District
49. Play a role
52. Hollow or opening
53. Noun qualifiers
56. Goddess of discord (Greek mythology)
57. A woody climbing tropical plant
58. Closing section of a musical composition
59. Home for a bird
60. Fasten
61. Pitcher

1. Coincide in characteristics
2. Hebrew month
3. Flat tableland
4. Tibetan wild ox
5. Creative person
6. Infants
7. God of storms (Babylonian mythology)
8. Military (abbrev.)
9. A type of beer
10. Cease
11. Lofty
12. Sudden burst of flame
13. Tropical American wildcats
18. Select by voting
23. Scoundrels
24. Young girl
25. Female horses
26. Individual Retirement Accounts
27. Sunfish
28. East Indian mint shrubs
29. Soviet detention center
31. Duplicate
33. Goodbye (British)
34. Millisecond
36. First letters
37. Sword
39. Mine passage
40. Small herring
42. Overrun
43. Large mass of frozen water
44. Blanched
45. Task
46. Sporting venue
48. Partly open
49. Declare or confess
50. Yield
51. Russian emperor
54. A telegraphic signal
55. Frozen water

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Last modified: October 10, 2002. Copyright 2002 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.