Crossword puzzle for December 19, 2002

1. A woman of refinement
5. A herb with daisylike flowers
10. Cotton seed capsule
14. Leaf of the talipot palm
15. Disgrace
16. International Civil Aviation Organization
17. Driven by lust
19. An edge of a roadway
20. Low Earth Orbit
21. Transgressions
22. Sorting by urgency and need (medical)
24. Sheet of glass
25. Smiled
26. A city in southeastern India
29. The leader of a Moslem state
30. Of the lower body
31. Escargot
32. 17th letter of the Greek alphabet
35. A mixture of sand and clay
36. America's first man in orbit John _____
37. Street
38. A young woman (abbrev.)
39. A Dravidian language that resembles Tamil
40. A Spanish gambling card game
41. Most senior
43. Steetside rubbish
44. She seduced Samson
46. Basic structural unit of all organisms
47. Small oval hard-stoned fruits
48. A polynesian alcoholic drink
49. French for "Lake"
52. Pleasant
53. Primary
56. Hebrew month
57. Indian monetary unit
58. Largest continent
59. Count on
60. Makes dirty
61. Comparative conjunction

1. Gangster's girlfriend
2. Winged
3. As well
4. A waterproof raincoat
5. Hindu gods of dawn
6. Gleam
7. City in New Mexico
8. Flightless bird
9. Bind or confine
10. Two-piece swimsuit
11. Seaside
12. Big
13. Of organs possessing soft pendulous parts
18. Son of Abraham
23. Rivulet
24. Baby carriage
25. African country
26. Modest or balmy
27. Found in skin lotion
28. Fiendish
29. Spent time on one's knees
31. Partially melted snow
33. Detest
34. Polish river
36. 50s gang members
37. Moslem unit of weight
39. Inactive
40. City in Italy
42. Uniform worn by chauffeurs
43. Gala receptions
44. God of thunder (Teutonic mythology)
45. Leave out
46. Dromedary
48. Cap with a flat top and visor
49. Flog
50. Operatic solo
51. A dark greenish-blue
54. A language related to Masai
55. Make lacework

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Last modified: December 19, 2002. Copyright 2002 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.