Crossword puzzle for April 6, 2003

1. Southwestern state
5. A kadai language of Siam
8. Bottom of a door or window opening
12. An area of central London
13. Moved in a curve
15. Leg joint
16. Style
17. 9th
18. Mid-month days
19. Fairly large
22. Internal Revenue Service
23. Skip
24. Narcotics officer
26. Grouches
29. Salted roe
31. A female deer
32. A deciduous tree with smooth gray bark
34. Caper
36. 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
38. Something that has survived from the past
40. A female opera star
41. Pasted
43. Metric units of mass
45. Over (poetic)
46. Beer mugs
48. Purpose
50. As well
51. Tin
52. Seat oneself
54. Forgery
61. Largest continent
63. Slumber
64. A Siouan tribe
65. Splash
66. Order by decree
67. A plucked stringed instrument
68. Dispatched
69. Anagram of "Sat"
70. Diameter (abbrev.)

1. Utilizations
2. An aromatic balsam
3. King of Israel and husband of Jezebel (9th century BC)
4. A Japanese island
5. One of a pair
6. Parental sister
7. Peruvian monetary unit
8. Glide over snow
9. A signal
10. Look lasciviously
11. Not more
13. Muttonfish
14. Country formerly known as the Gold Coast
20. Grave
21. Magma
25. Skin of a fruit
26. Objectives
27. The state of being held in high esteem
28. Searches
29. A very hot pepper
30. A stud used to fasten metal
31. Dekagram (abbrev.)
33. Command Line Interface
35. Automobile
37. Back part of the foot
39. Idea
42. A round flat object
44. Celebrity
47. Hangman's knot
49. Envelop
52. Impudence
53. Small island
55. Forearm bone
56. Tidy
57. Anagram of "Sect"
58. Pocketbook
59. A very small amount
60. Swarm
62. Clever

Home Today's solution Crosswords for April 2003

Last modified: April 6, 2003. Copyright 2003 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.