Crossword puzzle for June 9, 2003

1. Hop
5. A piece that tapers to a thin edge
10. Wanes
14. Former Italian currency
15. Greek poem of the siege of Troy
16. Without charge
17. Capable of being examined
19. One after four
20. Yearn
21. Consumes food
22. Required
24. Hard____ or soft____ (Computers)
25. Elegant
26. Esteem
29. Glowers
30. Decorate
31. Owl sounds
32. Encountered
35. Tear
36. French for "Red"
37. Wainscot
38. Finish
39. Groups of cattle
40. Goat-like antelope of central Eurasia
41. City in south central Ukraine
43. Made a sudden attack
44. Unit of food energy
46. Puts
47. Devastated
48. Risque
49. Residue from a fire
52. Fertilizer ingredient
53. Institute of higher learning
56. A small narrow pointed thrown missile
57. Breastplate
58. Something previously mentioned
59. Gaelic
60. Amounts lent
61. Stitched

1. Kill
2. Cattle
3. Modern-day Persia
4. Friend
5. Sorcerer
6. Fill with high spirits
7. Claim
8. Woman
9. Without teeth
10. Decadent
11. Attendant of the bride
12. Chamfer
13. Debilitated
18. Crave
23. Hearing organs
24. A suite of rooms in a hospital
25. Walks heavily
26. Scarce
27. Biblical garden
28. Venetian boatmen
29. Type of Dutch cheese
31. Steed
33. Boundary
34. A tailess stout-bodied amphibian
36. Remainder
37. Raised platform
39. In this place
40. A forest god
42. Give freely
43. Adjourn
44. Vulgar
45. Minor Icelandic monetary units
46. Dwarf juniper
48. Capital of Latvia
49. Assistant
50. Ragout
51. A song of praise
54. Prefix indicating recent or new
55. Female sibling

Home Today's solution Crosswords for June 2003

Last modified: June 9, 2003. Copyright 2003 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.