Crossword puzzle for September 13, 2003

1. Bumpkins
6. Smudge
11. A relationship between 2 lovers
13. Red
15. High spirits
16. Otalgia
17. A fleshy pear-shaped yellowish fruit
18. Walks unsteadily
20. "With it" or "Cool"
21. Assemble or modify written material
22. Waterproof sheets of canvas
23. A beautiful and graceful girl
24. Hurried on foot
26. Hyrax
28. Master of Education (abbrev.)
29. Gossiper
32. Medical photographs
34. Pushing forcefully
35. Not the same one
37. Swerves
40. A card with just one symbol
41. Drag behind
43. Gorilla or chimpanzee
45. Ragout
46. Connected by cables
48. A young woman
49. A Chinese dynasty
50. Of the milk-giving glands
52. Untruth
53. Elusive
55. Searching visually
57. Belied
58. Bouncy
59. Religious factions
60. A swamp plant

1. Vacation
2. Envisage
3. Feline
4. Interlacing yarn in a connected loops
5. Move very quickly
6. Marks or scrapes
7. The Red Planet
8. Earned Run Average
9. Turned metals into gold
10. Employs again
11. Send on or direct
12. Inward
13. Oozes
14. Lukewarm
19. Change in appearance or nature
25. Anagram of "There"
27. Sea eagles
30. Utmost degree
31. Arrangement (abbrev.)
32. 14 in Roman numerals
33. How long something has existed
35. Musical intervals of 8 tones
36. Adolescent
38. Barrier
39. Trap
40. Blanched
41. Clocked
42. Welts
44. Lament
46. Undulations
47. Lets fall to the ground
50. Glove
51. Days gone by
54. Bag
56. Child

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Last modified: September 13, 2003. Copyright 2003 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.