Crossword puzzle for November 30, 2003

1. Building (abbrev.)
5. Glass container
8. A river in England
12. Former Italian currency
13. One who gives
15. Citizen of Denmark
16. Burden
17. Run off to marry
18. An enclosed conduit
19. The spatial property of being crowded together
22. A potent estrogen
23. Female sheep
24. A river in central Europe
26. The space between the margin and the start of a line
29. Hunger
31. A card with just one symbol
32. Discarded pieces
34. Narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips
36. An individual unit
38. Abominable snowmen
40. Anagram of "Seal"
41. Dandies
43. Anagram of "Races"
45. Permit
46. Slumbers
48. Avoids
50. Anagram of "Seek"
51. Function or role
52. Donkey
54. Shopping area
61. A vertical spar for sails
63. Depart
64. "Helen of ____"
65. Leaf of the talipot palm
66. Fabricates
67. Assistant
68. Knockout
69. Minute (abbrev.)
70. Sleigh

1. An alliance of countries
2. Linoleum (abbrev.)
3. A percussion instrument
4. Breathed a sharp intake of air
5. A sudden impact
6. Soon (archaic)
7. Braided cord
8. Increase by several
9. A style of variety show
10. A single time
11. Meshes
13. Propriety
14. Readjust
20. Generates profound wonder
21. Shredded cabbage
25. Hillside
26. A sudden recurrence of a disease
27. Without cause or justification
28. Braid
29. Steeple
30. S S S S
31. Help
33. Consumed
35. Make lacework
37. Timid
39. Military gestures
42. Appear
44. Tip
47. A lyrical poem attributed to King David
49. Geological formations found at the mouths of rivers
52. Wildly
53. Anagram of "Alas"
55. 500 sheets of paper
56. Japanese persimmon
57. Flat or level
58. Anagram of "Lair"
59. Cypher
60. Looked at
62. The ultimate principle (Taoism)

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