Crossword puzzle for January 15, 2004

1. In accompaniment
6. Warning
11. Perish
14. Reddish brown
15. A region of Asia Minor
16. L
17. Tympanis
19. Constellation "The Lion"
20. Fails to win
21. Assemble
23. A sandstone boulder
27. An East Indian annual herb
28. Ridiculous
32. Once more
33. French for "Love"
34. Armored Personnel Carrier
37. An enclosed conduit
38. Anagram of "Urban"
39. Anagram of "Leaf"
40. Estimate (abbrev.)
41. Rage
42. Alewife fish
43. Explicit approvals
45. A shaman
48. Rental agreements
49. Sporting venue
50. A hymn of praise
53. Dung beetle
54. Broadcasted
60. East southeast
61. Leans
62. Not here
63. A division in a tennis match
64. Overweight
65. Crave

1. Request
2. Away from the wind
3. Choose
4. Egg of an insect
5. A square-rigged sailing ship
6. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
7. Folktales
8. Excretory opening
9. The top edge of a container
10. One who massages
11. 4th letter of the Greek alphabet
12. Small intestine
13. Run off to marry
18. Anagram of "Nose"
22. S
23. A type of shovel
24. A giant with 100 eyes (Greek mythology)
25. Respond
26. Expectorate
27. Tart
29. Latin-American ballroom dance
30. A piece of hot glowing coal
31. Noises made by lions
34. Long periods of geologic time
35. Glue
36. Category
38. Cancel or reverse an action
39. Any wingless blood-sucking insect
41. An orange-red dye
42. Agreeableness
43. Even
44. Ancient Middle-eastern kingdom
45. Walks through shallow water
46. Came up
47. A hat with no brim or bill
50. Wan
51. Picnic insects
52. Nature of being
55. One of the bones that protect the lungs
56. Definite article
57. Earl Grey or orange pekoe, for example
58. Go astray
59. Lair

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for January 2004

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