1. Adjust
6. Leading to death
11. Collection or series
14. Not intoxicated
15. Positive electrode
16. Automobile
17. Suggestion
19. A king of Judah
20. Risk or danger
21. Made inactive
23. A type of medium-sized penguins
27. Persons
28. Making an ironic comment
32. Initial wagers
33. Jumped
34. Prohibit
37. Stink
38. Interest-bearing certificates of debt
39. Anagram of "Lode"
40. Go astray
41. Clique
42. Short-horned goat antelope of southeast Asia
43. A longing to return home
45. Forever
48. The period of greatest prosperity
49. A gemstone
50. Get undressed
53. Avenue (abbrev.)
54. Came across
60. Earl Grey or orange pekoe, for example
61. Chairs
62. Pertaining to modern day Persia
63. Moose
64. Feel
65. A confection

1. Viper
2. Dung beetle
3. Anagram of "Boa"
4. Liveliness
5. The area near the equator
6. Reasonable or unbiased
7. Against
8. Drudge
9. Fuss
10. Indulgent
11. The skin that covers the top of the head
12. Artist's workstand
13. Exchange
18. Fortune teller
22. Canine
23. Cognizant
24. Restaurant
25. Anagram of "Steer"
26. Scallion
27. Marks on a playing card
29. Without company
30. Pennies
31. A family of languages spoken in SE Asia
34. Uninterested
35. Genus of the alewife or shad
36. Gossipy
38. Hobos
39. Declare untrue
41. Unhappy
42. Doubter
43. Fodder
44. The protruding part of the lower jaw
45. Lessen
46. Flat or even
47. Cause to happen
50. Glance over
51. Infants
52. Ploy
55. Born
56. Earned Run Average
57. Hurried on foot
58. Finish
59. Do It Yourself

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for April 2005

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