1. Cleanse the entire body
6. Meshes
10. Brown, grizzly or polar, for example
14. A protective garment
15. Chocolate cookie
16. Singer ____ Fitzgerald
17. Bargains
18. Wander
19. Violent disorder
20. Takes up the cause of
22. Any person
24. Rum with water
25. Artificially formal
26. Prohibited
29. Skinny
30. Operatic solo
31. Uncompromising resolution
37. Not smooth and even in texture
39. A term of endearment
40. Small crude dwelling
41. Make discouraged
44. Jules Verne's captain
45. God of war (Greek mythology)
46. Liveliness
48. Plunge
52. Anagram of "Alas"
53. Polished and well-groomed
54. Passed on
58. Otherwise
59. Pleasant
61. Stop
62. Rodents
63. Graven image
64. Pottery ovens
65. Formerly
66. Cannot (contraction)
67. Having a smooth or gleaming surface

1. "He ____ him farewell"
2. Gorillas or chimpanzees
3. Snare
4. 3 dimensional laser photograph
5. Guarantee
6. Anagram of "Goner"
7. God of love (Greek mythology)
8. Earl Grey or orange pekoe, for example
9. Characteristic of the body
10. A gemstone
11. Poet T.S. _____
12. Without company
13. Graded
21. Mats of grass
23. 9th
25. Gleam
26. Without hair
27. Wild African sheep
28. The outer parts of a wheel
29. Runs slowly
32. 3
33. Matchless
34. Always
35. Half
36. A small narrow opening
38. Crave
42. A poison
43. Tongue of a wagon
47. Casual pants
48. A river in southeastern France
49. A grinding tooth
50. Fogs
51. Eliminate from the body
52. Small cold-water fish
54. Image or symbol
55. Story
56. Serf
57. Writing table
60. Anagram of "Aid"

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for April 2005

Last modified: April 9, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.