1. The Red Planet
5. Pads
9. Half-quarts
14. To press clothes
15. Operatic solo
16. Love intensely
17. Jules Verne's captain
18. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
19. A durable aromatic wood
20. Below the threshhold of hearing
22. Bowel cleansing
23. Devilfish
24. Belch
26. A type of evergreen
29. Increases
33. Logger
38. Colonnade
39. A river in central Europe
40. The color of earth
42. Assistant
43. An Old Testament prophet
45. Clear broth
47. The second of two
48. S
49. Annoyed
52. Fails to win
57. Cassia
60. A registered symbol
63. Electronic letters
64. 60 minutes
65. Seaweed
66. Transported by pipeline
67. A very small amount
68. Owl sound
69. Braid
70. Coalesce into a mass
71. Anagram of "Neat"

1. Half note
2. Sporting venue
3. An ancient empire
4. Nose
5. Wise men
6. A Semitic people
7. What a book is called
8. A forest god
9. Leads the cars in a race (2 words)
10. The same
11. A connecting point
12. Streetcar
13. Anagram of "Sear"
21. 365 of them in a year
25. 7th planet from the sun
27. Go on board
28. Armed conflict
30. Travel on a wind-powered boat
31. Edible starchy root of taro plants
32. Observed
33. Whirlpool
34. Leaf of the talipot palm
35. Death notice
36. Fates
37. An elegantly dressed man
41. Intense mournfulness
44. Foreshadows
46. Small island
50. Moral principle
51. Saliva
53. City in Nebraska
54. Parlor
55. A plant disease caused by a fungus
56. Glide on ice
57. French for "Seven"
58. Anagram of "Mire"
59. Back of the neck
61. Car
62. Darn

Home Today's solution Crosswords for May 2005

Last modified: May 8, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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