1. Hit hard
5. Not light
9. A condensed but memorable saying
14. An island of central Hawaii
15. Image or symbol
16. Foot lever
17. Pack to capacity
18. Wild African sheep
19. A lyrical poem attributed to King David
20. Having no hue
22. French for "After"
23. Introduction (abbrev.)
24. Not here
26. A type of cereal grass
29. Blends
33. Like a phantom
38. Turn pale
39. Maori ceremonial war dance
40. Picture
42. A small European freshwater fish
43. Operatives
45. Constricted
47. Crave
48. South southeast
49. Feel
52. 2nd planet from the sun
57. Protective ditches
60. Convey
63. Runs an engine in neutral
64. Traditional Indian music
65. Vagabond
66. French for "Our"
67. Sun god (Sumerian mythology)
68. As Soon As Possible
69. Slag
70. Found on feet
71. Female chickens

1. Italian lawn bowling
2. Brother of Moses
3. Must (archaic)
4. Wit
5. Found on rotary phones
6. Unit of area
7. To force out
8. A Russian fried turnover
9. Clothing
10. A western outlaw
11. Hebrew month
12. A strong wind
13. Trees of the genus Ulmus
21. Part of a plant that's in the soil
25. Hot glowing fragments after a fire
27. Come up
28. Woolen Scottish cap
30. Chew
31. Latin for "Behold!"
32. Small storage building
33. Herring-like fish
34. A printed leaf of a book or periodical
35. Anagram of "Seek"
36. Containers
37. Local Area Network
41. Petrol
44. Braids
46. Speeds up an engine
50. A proud pompous gait
51. Muse of lyric poetry
53. Ancient Hebrew dry measure
54. Hangman's knot
55. Pertaining to the city
56. Ceases
57. Psyche
58. Smell
59. Male singing range
61. Shivering fit
62. Reminds persistently

Home Today's solution Crosswords for May 2005

Last modified: May 16, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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