1. A jar for water or oil
6. Shut forcefully
10. 5th book of the New Testament
14. Not lows
15. Flexible tube
16. Agony
17. Acclaim
18. Annoys
19. Upon
20. Beyond the effects of gravity
22. Type of salmon
23. Snake-like fish
24. Acquired deservedly
26. A desert
30. Saucy
32. Told an untruth
33. City in Nevada
35. A protective garment
39. Local slang
41. Brownish
42. Snapshot
43. Common black European thrush
44. Fertilizer ingredient
46. Largest continent
47. Electronic letters
49. Ammonite god
51. Delilah cut his hair
54. Evergreen tree
55. Stylish
56. Written declarations
63. Uncouth
64. Teller of untruths
65. Forbidden
66. Anagram of "Rain"
67. Burden
68. Poet T.S. _____
69. Days gone by
70. Fellow
71. Writing tables

1. Masticate
2. A cereal marsh grass
3. Hybrid fruit
4. A fabric with a long coarse nap
5. A book of the Old Testament
6. Deceive
7. Folktales
8. Enquires
9. Areas of untidyness
10. Of questionable authenticity
11. A fundamental body of principles
12. An offering of a tenth
13. A hair net
21. Rip
25. As Soon As Possible
26. Slender
27. Assistant
28. Inheritor
29. Teen
30. Growl
31. A-1
34. Pocketbook
36. Thorny flower
37. Relating to the ear
38. Built an ark
40. Short note
45. Amongst
48. Not digital
50. Gave a speech
51. Anagram of "Crisp"
52. Title for benevolent deities (Zoroastrianism)
53. Could turn things into gold (Greek mythology)
54. None before
57. A monetary penalty
58. Roman satyr
59. Valley
60. A type of wading bird
61. Got
62. Drunkards

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for June 2005

Last modified: June 15, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.