1. Anagram of "Races"
6. British Association of Film & Television Arts
11. Third person singular female
14. A reddish-brown dye
15. Cove
16. Long period of time
17. Not deliberate
19. Lay
20. Appended
21. Ablaze
23. On a train
27. Oblong cream puff
28. A list of related writings
32. Pertaining to the largest continent
33. Strange or weird
34. Choose
37. Infants
38. Reason
39. Wild Indian ox
40. N N N N
41. Could turn things into gold (Greek mythology)
42. Passageway
43. Despair
45. Fends off
48. Smooches
49. Line up
50. A country on the Iberian Peninsula
53. Muck
54. Doubtfulness
60. Consumed
61. Approaches
62. Relating to the nose
63. Mesh
64. Magical spirit
65. Make corrections to text

1. 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet
2. Even
3. Registered Nursing Assistant
4. Also
5. A sponge cake
6. Fowl
7. Anagram of "Neat"
8. Ran away
9. 10
10. A type of case
11. Reddish brown
12. A voluptuously beautiful young woman
13. Go inside
18. Edible starchy root of taro plants
22. Winged insect
23. Lessen
24. Buffalo
25. Death notices
26. "Oh my!"
27. Heroic
29. A spherical nodule
30. Majestic
31. Get up
34. Fertile areas in deserts
35. Heart rate
36. Braid
38. What you kiss with
39. Liquors flavored with juniper berries
41. Time after dawn
42. Mindless
43. An evil looking woman
44. A short theatrical episode
45. Hyrax
46. Wash out with a solvent
47. A type of basin
50. Glance over
51. A beautiful and graceful girl
52. Backside
55. Born
56. Woolen Scottish cap
57. Function or role
58. Former vice-president ___ Quayle
59. Old age (archaic)

Crossword Today's solution Crosswords for August 2005

Last modified: August 5, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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