1. Innocent
6. Resorts
10. Requests
14. Pertaining to the city
15. Minute opening in the skin
16. An abnormal blemish
17. Constructed
18. Style or grace
19. Mass of floating sea ice
20. Relating to the stars
22. University graduates
24. Between the head and shoulders
25. A citizen of a certain European country
26. Quicker
29. Employee Stock Ownership Plan
30. Zulu warriors
31. Comprehend
37. Combined
39. What we breathe
40. Strange or weird
41. Fascinated
44. A trigonometric function
45. Products of human creativity
46. Stableboy
48. Vacation
52. Singer ____ Fitzgerald
53. Endures
54. Guess
58. Welt
59. Formerly
61. Postponement
62. Serf
63. Thorny flower
64. French for "Between"
65. With affection
66. Fortune teller
67. Ceases

1. Gists or essences
2. Wild African sheep
3. Cite from the same reference
4. Sweetheart
5. Main course
6. Utter
7. Survey of opinion
8. Genus of macaws
9. Legislator
10. Exceptionally bad
11. A ragout
12. Swedish monetary unit
13. Beer mug
21. Beige
23. Let slip
25. A river in southeastern France
26. An island country of the south Pacific
27. Chief god (Egyptian mythology)
28. Expectorate
29. Anagram of "Tides"
32. Mean spirited
33. A profession of belief
34. Seed coat
35. 9
36. Bambi was one
38. Exchange
42. Found at the ends of pencils
43. A stupid person
47. Chutes
48. "Hemmed and _____"
49. Overweight
50. A woody climbing tropical plant
51. A person who does no work
52. Anagram of "Steer"
54. Nature of being
55. Male singing range
56. Waterproofed canvas
57. Organs of sight
60. Fish eggs

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for August 2005

Last modified: August 21, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.