1. Arrived
5. Lance
10. Falcon's strap
14. Assist
15. Fill with high spirits
16. Leaf of the talipot palm
17. Captivated
19. Thin strip of wood
20. S
21. Harsh noises
22. Messy
24. Violent disorder
25. One who resells tickets for admission
26. Redeemer
29. Harpsichord
30. Decree
31. Various leguminous plants
32. Irritate
35. Thin slab of linoleum
36. Hold on tenaciously
37. Anagram of "Cans"
38. Beer
39. In accompaniment
40. San Antonio fort
41. Contradict
43. While
44. Female thespian
46. Uttered to attract attention
47. In three equal parts
48. Region
49. Gorilla or chimpanzee
52. Linoleum (abbrev.)
53. Awesome
56. Affirm
57. A Christmas song
58. Perceive by touch
59. Soap-frame bar
60. Disgorges
61. Kill

1. Coffee shop
2. Arabic sleeveless garments
3. Untidyness
4. And so on
5. Elderly
6. Set seedlings into the ground
7. Consumes food
8. Anagram of "Tea"
9. Getting smaller
10. Shove
11. Egg-shaped
12. Anagram of "Deals"
13. A forest god
18. Fool
23. Grandmothers
24. A cereal marsh grass
25. Anagram of "Pangs"
26. Stiff hair or bristle
27. A blue dye
28. Sweethearts
29. A river in France
31. Smears
33. Strikes with a heavy impact
34. Nautical mile (abbrev.)
36. Ancient literary works
37. Not chubby
39. Older
40. In front of you
42. Mistakes
43. Normally, 4 on a car
44. One of the Titans (Greek mythology)
45. A small plant with onion-flavored leaves
46. Shot from a bow
48. Unit of area
49. Cain's brother
50. Humble request
51. Resembling snake-like fishes
54. Short sleep
55. Contingencies

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for August 2005

Last modified: August 23, 2005. Copyright 2005 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.