ACROSS 1. Give a speech 6. Flying mouse-like mammals 10. Tip 14. Rubber wheels 15. Ends a prayer 16. Largest continent 17. Of the lower body 18. Rubber wheel 19. Respiratory organ 20. Plastic wrap 22. Impulse 23. Fish eggs 24. Cavorted 26. Anagram of "Sortie" 30. Bowl 32. Mild expletive 33. Large 35. Slander 39. Weeps 41. Carry with difficulty 42. A city on the Black Sea 43. An archaic name for emperor in Japan 44. At a distance 46. A tailess stout-bodied amphibian 47. Crook 49. Selects by voting 51. Movement 54. Utilize 55. Cook 56. Enticement 63. Hindu princess 64. Anagram of "Sire" 65. Cassia 66. Anagram of "Sees" 67. A city in France 68. Consumed 69. Perceives visually 70. Nipple 71. Slag |
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1. Relating to the ear 2. Annoy or anger 3. Seed coat 4. Bluish green 5. Accompany 6. Cleanse the entire body 7. Genus of the bowfin fish 8. A small slender gull 9. Smiles contemptuously 10. Besmirch 11. Seize control 12. Scorch 13. Summoned |
21. Lyrical writer 25. Greasy 26. A religious splinter group 27. Monster 28. Precipitation 29. Recognizes 30. Deceive an opponent 31. Seaweed 34. Winged 36. An alliance of countries 37. French for "State" 38. Boys 40. An area of central London |
45. Repose 48. Purpose 50. Rented 51. Units of area 52. Pursue 53. Taut or rigid 54. Distressed 57. A Great Lake 58. Transparent mineral 59. Rip 60. Within 61. 1 1 1 1 62. Grandmothers |
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