Crossword puzzle for June 20, 2006

1. Japanese rice wine
5. An ardent follower
9. Locations
14. "Once ____ a time"
15. Blue dye
16. Positive electrode
17. Cliff
18. Former Italian currency
19. Utilization
20. Metric unit of distance
22. Opposing groups
23. Stone-gray
24. A style of car
26. Faucet
29. A tropical arboreal lizard
33. Guard dog
38. Cloth maker
39. Dwarf buffalo
40. Classical music theatre
42. A cooperative unit
43. A gabled roof extension
45. A dark purple blackberry-like fruit
47. Student doctor
48. Neckwear
49. Adjust again
52. Master of ceremonies
57. Base 8 number system
60. Major failures
63. San Antonio fort
64. Sword
65. P P P P
66. A moon of Saturn
67. Fog
68. Crippled
69. Precisely or squarely
70. Fifth book of the New Testament
71. Goddess of discord (Greek mythology)

1. Draws through a straw
2. Spring month
3. An Australian "bear"
4. Metal bar
5. Bundle of hay
6. An assemblage of parts
7. Infernos
8. A burst of light
9. Minced meat in a casing
10. Give to understand
11. Frog
12. The boundary of a surface
13. Perceives visually
21. A type of story
25. A Hindu festival
27. Beautifies
28. Soda
30. Assert
31. Close by
32. Infantry
33. Gully
34. In a little while (archaic)
35. Civil wrong
36. Videographer
37. Precious stone
41. Furrow
44. Before long
46. Meat from cows
50. Swelling under the skin
51. Theme or subject
53. Official tree of Canada
54. Transparent
55. A resin used in incense
56. S S S S
57. A cereal grass
58. Snip
59. Bye-bye
61. Where the sun sets
62. Meshes

Home Today's solution Crosswords for June 2006

Last modified: June 11, 2006. Copyright 2006 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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