Crossword puzzle for August 13, 2006

1. Blunder
6. A unit of mass
10. What you're called
14. Classical music theatre
15. Capital of Latvia
16. Ancient Middle-Eastern kingdom
17. Female horses
18. In a little while (archaic)
19. Thirteen in Roman numerals
20. Exploding
22. One who is absent without permission
24. 1/100th of a dollar
25. Pastures
26. Dispatched again
29. Prod
30. Panache
31. Overwhelms
37. Put up with
39. N N N N
40. Pertaining to ships
41. Recuperations
44. Withered
45. Otherwise
46. Hostility
48. Income
52. A trigonometric function
53. Selects by voting
54. Motivated
58. Travel in a wind-driven boat
59. Small island
61. Native of New Zealand
62. A Sicilian volcano
63. Covers a bride's face
64. Silly
65. Exam
66. French for "State"
67. Tallied

1. Explosive device
2. Gemstone
3. A three-tone Chadic language
4. A gradual increase in intensity
5. Hurry
6. Bestow
7. Wedding or engagement
8. In the past
9. A very attractive woman
10. Link
11. Also known as
12. A New England state
13. Sends out
21. Within
23. A radioactive gaseous element
25. Furze
26. The back end
27. A river in central Europe
28. Ketch
29. A magical spirit
32. Rhyme
33. A barren wilderness
34. Always
35. Scarce
36. Sleigh
38. Something that happens
42. Difficult to grasp
43. Boat
47. Deficiency in red blood cells
48. Adjust again
49. Exhilarate
50. Blood vessels
51. Acclaim
52. Capelin
54. An ancient city in Asia Minor
55. Burden
56. Sea eagle
57. Passed away
60. Collection

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for August 2006

Last modified: August 13, 2006. Copyright 2006 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.