Crossword puzzle for September 26, 2006

1. Formerly
5. Solemn promise
9. Female horses
14. Rise up on hind legs
15. Remain
16. Put up with
17. Tangelo
18. Expect with desire
19. Gentle push
20. Videographers
22. Smile contemptuously
23. Alewife fish
24. Speedy
26. French for "No"
29. Wandered
33. Chatted
38. Inborn
39. Downwind
40. Lyrical writings
42. The zodiacal sign for Cancer
43. Hut
45. Imagines to be true
47. Not winners
48. Coloring agent
49. Appears
52. Enclosures
57. Eyeglasses (slang)
60. Listen in
63. Bound together into books
64. Neckwear
65. A measure amount of medication
66. Make amends
67. Breastplate
68. Wicked
69. Corrodes
70. A citizen of Denmark
71. A depression on a surface

1. Mediterranean herbs
2. Majestic
3. Genus of salmon
4. Attempts
5. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
6. "Smallest" particle
7. Diminish gradually
8. Doglike nocturnal animal
9. Large house
10. Copiousness
11. Go on horseback
12. The boundary of a surface
13. Fortune teller
21. Hindu princess
25. Fastidious
27. Be against
28. Prefix indicating recent or new
30. Made from the residue of grapes
31. French for "State"
32. Young women entering society
33. Impudence
34. Margarine
35. Oceans
36. Growing old
37. A potent estrogen
41. Muck
44. Braids
46. Chest muscles
50. Apportioned
51. A Eurasian goat-like antelope
53. Tallied
54. Orchard
55. A red fluorescent dye
56. Recited the letters of a word
57. Box
58. A Maori weapon
59. Psyches
61. Blood vessel
62. Nature of being

Home Today's solution Crosswords for September 2006

Last modified: September 19, 2006. Copyright 2006 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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