Crossword puzzle for October 9, 2007

1. Not right
5. What you kiss with
9. 20
14. Winged
15. Conceited
16. Church deacon
17. Hare-like rodent
18. Zulu warriors
19. Crucifixes
20. Engraved
22. Not second
23. Farewell
24. Accomplishments
26. Concealed
29. They mark ballots
33. Viewed
38. Induces vomiting
39. Looked at
40. Acquire knowledge
42. Avatar of Vishnu
43. 2nd longest European river
45. Railing support
47. Stableboy
48. God of war (Norse mythology)
49. Savor
52. 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet
57. Smooth and gleaming
60. Gangster
63. A nucleus of personnel
64. Modern day Persia
65. Chocolate cookie
66. Rage
67. Otherwise
68. Meshes
69. Ales
70. Levee
71. Nature of being

1. Vampire
2. African antelope
3. Persian
4. A barely detectable amount
5. Fifty-seven in Roman numerals
6. Metrical unit of syllables
7. Transported fluids overland
8. Contemptuous
9. A type of servitude
10. Monasteries or convents
11. Smell
12. Crimson and scarlet
13. Formerly
21. A tributary of the Rhine River
25. Equally
27. Layabouts
28. D
30. French for "State"
31. Frost
32. Left by a wound
33. Attempt again
34. An unfledged hawk
35. Fellow
36. He cheats on his wife
37. Pat
41. Rodent
44. Laboratory flasks
46. Exhort
50. Judged in a court of law
51. Not late
53. Make amends
54. Small ponds
55. Encounters
56. Came up
57. Forms on a wound
58. Alley
59. The boundary of a surface
61. Keg
62. Leg joint

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for October 2007

Last modified: October 9, 2007. Copyright 2007 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.