Crossword puzzle for February 11, 2008

1. A disparaging remark
5. Wireless audio
10. Beige
14. Linoleum (abbrev.)
15. Once more
16. Protective ditch
17. Mathematical
19. In baseball, a type of infield hit
20. Chinese revolutionary
21. Sea eagle
22. Citrus fruit
24. Nautical mile (speed)
25. More clever
26. Transmit again
29. Adhesive
30. Sporting venue
31. Sexually aroused
32. What spiders weave
35. Played on horseback or in the water
36. Locate and correct programming errors
37. A Hindu deity
38. South-southeast
39. A type of hat
40. Deposits of ore
41. Din
43. Calm
44. Bode
46. A tribe of Israel
47. Came up
48. Weathercock
49. Confederate general
52. Cries of displeasure
53. Not "ourselves"
56. Anglo-Saxon slave
57. Strange or spooky
58. Is unwell
59. Not more
60. A wood nymph
61. Intelligent

1. Shut forcefully
2. Former Italian currency
3. Pearly-shelled mussel
4. Decay
5. Overseer
6. Representative
7. Social rendezvous
8. Three in Roman numerals
9. Rushing towards you
10. Enter
11. National
12. Scope
13. Verbalize
18. Reddish brown dye
23. Sexually naughty
24. A bingo-like game
25. Swagger
26. Gentle blows
27. God of love (Greek mythology)
28. Picks
29. Not intoxicated
31. A wading bird
33. Not odd
34. A support or foundation
36. Disturbed
37. Spore-producing structures
39. Cook in an oven
40. Dike
42. Defeats
43. Detected
44. Site of a famous tower
45. Jagged
46. Vampire
48. Exceedingly
49. Fifty-seven in Roman numerals
50. Snake-like fishes
51. Nature of being
54. Not him
55. Rule

Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for February 2008

Last modified: February 9, 2008. Copyright 2008 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.