Crossword puzzle for April 24, 2009

1. Unit of capacitance
6. Maxim
11. S
14. Poplar tree
15. Handrail post
16. Take to court
17. Act in return
19. Can
20. Tall and thin and having long slender limbs
21. Encounters
23. Ability to apply knowledge
27. A baccalaureate
28. Marked by initiative
32. Concur
33. Make into law
34. Sprocket
37. Empty
38. Locale
39. An elaborate Hawaiian feast
40. Estimated time of arrival
41. Donated
42. Analyze, in a way
43. Not particularities
45. Manly
48. Shocked
49. Spanish for "(girl) friend"
50. Paroxysm
53. Fall behind
54. Perfidious
60. Bigheadedness
61. Silly
62. Like the Vikings
63. Crag
64. What we're called
65. A bird sound

1. Distant
2. President Lincoln
3. VCR button
4. Famous boxer
5. Lament
6. Any minute
7. Set of playing cards
8. At a distance
9. Obtain
10. Chemical
11. Aromatic compound
12. A series of connected rooms
13. Detect
18. Incline
22. It comes from a hen
23. Interlace
24. Metal bar
25. Tiny parallel grooves
26. Act
27. Numbered cubes
29. Christopher of "Superman"
30. Not outer
31. A Finnish steam bath
34. Papal court
35. Fertile areas in deserts
36. Visitor
38. Tarzan swung on this
39. Strip of wood
41. Jelly
42. Dry coloring material
43. A booking for musicians
44. Whip
45. Gentleman's gentleman
46. Insect stage
47. Difficulty
50. A-line line
51. Sheet of glass
52. Cards with just one symbol
55. Registered nursing assistant
56. Propel a boat
57. Refinable rock
58. Utilize
59. Collection

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Last modified: April 24, 2009. Copyright 2009 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.