Crossword puzzle for February 25, 2010

1. Pitcher
5. Not bro
8. Summoned
12. Wise one
13. Canvas dwellings
15. Smell
16. Operatic solo
17. Rundown
18. Portent
19. Indescribable
22. Anger
23. Old age
24. Religious figure
26. Against
29. Cultural
31. Swine
32. Outer or exterior
34. European blackbird
36. Acknowledge
38. Artist's workstand
40. Remain
41. Permissible
43. Female demon
45. East southeast
46. Determine the essential quality of
48. Guarantee
50. A Roman emperor
51. A small drink
52. Seated oneself
54. Filling to excess
61. Fecal stool
63. Perpendicular to the keel
64. Found in skin lotion
65. Murres
66. Delete
67. Exam
68. Not front
69. Choose
70. X X X X

1. Jacob's brother
2. Sound the alarm
3. Auspices
4. Harvester
5. Search
6. Ancient Peruvian
7. Pierce
8. Scary noise
9. Manage
10. One who accomplishes
11. Coastal raptor
13. Slander
14. Divided
20. Alternatively
21. Reflected sound
25. Burden
26. Brilliant
27. Self-centered
28. Not fresh
29. Swelling under the skin
30. Stop
31. Buddy
33. A painkiller (abbrev.)
35. Caustic
37. Spouse
39. Supple
42. Novice
44. Largest continent
47. Exploded stars
49. Inform
52. Counterfoil
53. Certain something
55. A river in Spain
56. Harvest
57. Not first
58. Holly
59. It smells
60. Obtains
62. An East Indian tree

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for February 2010

Last modified: February 17, 2010. Copyright 2010 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.