Crossword puzzle for June 8, 2011

1. Anagram of "Salt"
5. Chastise
10. Engine sound
14. Former Italian currency
15. Now
16. A river in Spain
17. Format (a computer disk)
19. 20s style of design
20. Honey insect
21. Expressionless
22. Earthquake
23. A hormone lacking in diabetics
25. Melancholy music
27. VCR button
28. A boarder
31. Objectives
34. Former Hungarian monetary unit
35. Neither ___
36. Donations
37. Embankment
38. Cicatrix
39. Prevaricate
40. A ring-shaped surface
41. Beginnings of plants
42. Wanting company
44. Orange pekoe or Earl Grey
45. Adult male duck
46. A more favorable position
50. Knight's "suit"
52. Fruit of the oak tree
54. On account of
55. Told an untruth
56. Responsibility
58. Pimples
59. Location
60. Backside
61. Adjusts
62. Article of faith
63. Honey insects

1. Exculpation
2. Cloth from flax
3. Attempts
4. Seated oneself
5. Interference
6. Part of the large intestine
7. Chief Norse god
8. Layabout
9. Coloring agent
10. Cash in
11. The act of obeying
12. Circle fragments
13. Chamber
18. Small islands
22. Wrestling in Japan
24. Website addresses
26. Balcony section
28. Variety show
29. Frog
30. Mistakes
31. Effrontery
32. Hodgepodge
33. A correction or change
34. Porous
37. See
38. Chair
40. Russian emperor
41. Ringworm bush
43. Wears away
44. Bull's eye
46. Utter
47. In flames
48. Flying honker
49. Gray sea eagle
50. "Oh, my!"
51. Grows in paddies
53. Tribe
56. Choose
57. Bar bill

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