Crossword puzzle for June 25, 2011

1. A cat-like mammal
6. Greek god of love
10. Stiff and sore
14. Cheer up
15. A landlocked republic in NW Africa
16. Hint
17. Objection
18. Chief Norse god
19. Coke or Pepsi
20. A coming to an end
22. Writing fluids
23. Operatic solo
24. Not the youngest
26. Pitcher
30. French for "Good"
31. Fish eggs
32. Carnival attraction
33. Not deceived by
35. Trap
39. Ranges
41. Nervous
43. Male singing range
44. Long prison sentence
46. Weapons
47. Anagram of "Dim"
49. Minimum (abbrev.)
50. Easy gait
51. Influenza (archaic)
54. Portrays a role
56. Travelled on a horse
57. Judge
63. Portent
64. Dogfish
65. Stiff
66. The Caribbean and Adriatic
67. Apartment payment
68. Flip over
69. Only
70. Leg joint
71. Cantankerous

1. Formally surrender
2. Holly
3. Coquette
4. Decorative case
5. The Earth
6. Maudlin
7. Glowing
8. Mélange
9. One who transgresses
10. Not deliberate
11. Copy
12. Abandoned ships
13. Bakery supply
21. Pergola
25. Fail to win
26. At one time (archaic)
27. Squeegee
28. Biblical garden
29. Indemnify
34. Act in an official capacity
36. A type of hair style
37. Rear end
38. Alternatively
40. Journey
42. Leases
45. Envisage
48. Delimit
51. 144 of something
52. Juliet's beau
53. Model
55. Swagger
58. Ends a prayer
59. Pickable
60. Matures
61. Hue
62. Swirl

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for June 2011

Last modified: June 25, 2011. Copyright 2011 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.