Crossword puzzle for November 20, 2012

1. Range
6. Backside
10. Ploy
14. The day after yesterday
15. Information
16. Chooses
17. High society
18. 1 1 1 1
19. Atop
20. Handwritten document
22. Arid
23. Mineral rock
24. Vestibule
26. Prayer beads
30. Stripes
32. Licoricelike flavor
33. Dead at birth
37. Fortitude
38. Intoxicating
39. Curved molding
40. Partner
42. Papal court
43. A steel wire rope
44. Potential
45. Excuse
47. Bar bill
48. Dogfish
49. Skidoo
56. Essence
57. Center
58. Law and _____
59. Leer at
60. End ___
61. The general activity of selling
62. "Comes and ____"
63. Store
64. Excrete

1. Flower stalk
2. Soft drink
3. Norse god
4. A Maori club
5. Blight
6. Love intensely
7. Hindu princess
8. Stair
9. From the east
10. Deckhand
11. Not lower
12. Tale
13. Feudal worker
21. Weep
25. Zero
26. Indian music
27. Burden
28. Seats oneself
29. Affiliates
30. Condition
31. It ebbs and flows
33. Secure against leakage
34. Monster
35. Bridle strap
36. Tidy
38. Black-eyed Susan or red sorrel
41. Taxi
42. A car on a freight train
44. Flee
45. Spanish for "Friend"
46. Fine thread
47. Dweeb
48. All excited
50. Snack
51. Chocolate cookie
52. Boast
53. Doing nothing
54. Dregs
55. At one time (archaic)

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for November 2012

Last modified: November 12, 2012. Copyright 2012 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.