Crossword puzzle for November 27, 2013

1. Schnozzola
5. Humiliate
10. Fog
14. Dull pain
15. Cokes or Pepsis
16. Dwarf buffalo
17. Image breaker
19. Deaden
20. Regret
21. Snippy
22. Queues
23. Grueling
25. Coming up
27. Born as
28. Separating the notes
31. Foundation
34. Truth (archaic)
35. Not bottom
36. Reflected sound
37. Angelic headgear
38. Lease
39. French for "Friend"
40. Criminal
41. Foundations
42. False teeth
44. A tree fruit
45. Bundles
46. Punishment
50. Coral island
52. Sentry
54. Mineral rock
55. Not a single one
56. Indirect
58. Ends a prayer
59. Bay window
60. A single time
61. In order to prevent
62. Clearing
63. Visual organs

1. Nigerian monetary unit
2. Come to pass
3. Wearing footgear
4. Poetic dusk
5. Build up
6. A large pill
7. "Oh my!"
8. Juneberry
9. Eastern Standard Time
10. Lunatic
11. Floods
12. A few
13. Checks
18. Double-reed instruments
22. Pervert
24. Pearly-shelled mussel
26. Derbies or berets
28. Flies alone
29. Anagram of "Note"
30. Chooses
31. Tiny sphere
32. Highest point
33. Tibiae
34. A woman salesperson
37. Not there
38. Indian music
40. Replete
41. A forehead dot
43. Ability
44. Cane or flat paddle
46. Walked nervously
47. Bonkers
48. Armistice
49. Affirmatives
50. A Freudian stage
51. Hefty volume
53. Murres
56. Sprocket
57. Foot digit

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for November 2013

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