Crossword puzzle for November 9, 2015

1. Seating sections
5. Hard close-grained wood
10. Story
14. Affirm
15. France's longest river
16. Death notice
17. Roman emperor
18. Undergrowth
20. Not outdoors
22. Grapple
23. Neither ___
24. Unsuccessful person
25. Alleviating fever
32. Restricts
33. Historical period
34. Belief
37. A tart spicy quality
38. Duplicate
39. Soft drink
40. Secret agent
41. Direct the course
42. Deadly
43. Require
45. A kind of macaw
49. Church bench
50. Photo devices
53. Forage plant
57. Intangible
59. Diving bird
60. Pickle flavoring
61. Gladden
62. Clove hitch or figure eight
63. Appear
64. Odorless inert gas
65. Collections
1. Hindu princess
2. Baking appliance
3. Unit of language
4. Fainting
5. Indistinct
6. Charged particles
7. Disencumber
8. Team
9. German for "Mister"
10. Body
11. Borders on
12. Fine thread
13. Aromatic solvent
19. Burp
21. Klutz's cry
25. Anagram of "Star"
26. Half-moon tide
27. Small
28. Museum piece
29. Lyric poem
30. Notes
31. Frozen water
34. Greek letter
35. Thin strip
36. Man
38. Prompt
39. Narrow pathways
41. Knot
42. Feudal estate
44. A large dark-red oval organ
45. Corrosives
46. Bog hemp
47. Enough
48. Kingdom
51. Pinnacle
52. An exchange involving money
53. Countertenor
54. Solitary
55. 12 inches
56. Picnic insects
58. Prohibit

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for November 2015

Last modified: November 8, 2015. Copyright 2015 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved.