Crossword puzzle for January 19, 2023

1. Not at any time
6. Mental keenness
10. Turn on a pivot
14. Gentry
15. Nitpicky to a fault
16. Baton
17. Perpendicular to the keel
18. Story
19. Against
20. Plague
22. Person's manner of walking
23. Rubber wheel
24. Night watches
26. Biblical garden
30. Cobbler's tool
31. East northeast
32. Opera star
33. Negative responses
35. It surrounds a painting
39. Superimpose
41. Averted
43. Compassion
44. Rescue
46. Aromatic ointment
47. Anger
49. Dung beetle
50. Between black and white
51. Let up
54. Rear end
56. Ages
57. Distasteful
63. African sheep
64. Memorization method
65. Red Sea peninsula
66. Male offspring
67. Nights before
68. Run off to wed
69. Streetcar
70. Fathers
71. Hermit
1. Half-moon tide
2. River to the North Sea
3. Contends
4. French for "State"
5. Send, as payment
6. Canals and creeks
7. In a silly way
8. After-bath powder
9. Record protector
10. Haughty
11. Hawaiian veranda
12. Up to
13. Rewrites
21. Tropical vine
25. Data
26. Ancient Dead Sea kingdom
27. Enter the water headfirst
28. At any point
29. Self-love
34. Lacking taste
36. Jewish month
37. Nothing more than
38. Countercurrent
40. Stringed instrument
42. Line of poetry
45. Adjusted
48. Accustomed
51. Minimal
52. Mistake
53. A Finnish steam bath
55. Artist's stand
58. Exploded star
59. Storage site
60. Any minute
61. Back of the neck
62. Stratum

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