Crossword puzzle for February 5, 2023

1. Cheat
5. Food thickener
9. Corrode
13. Whale
14. Apple-based alcoholic drink
16. A Great Lake
17. Documents
18. Genus of heath
19. Jobs for musicians
20. Spectacles
22. It hides body odor
24. Rules and regulations
26. Pee
27. In general
30. Physician
33. Shrews
35. S S S
37. Chapter in history
38. Beau
41. Letter after sigma
42. Sometimes describes one's nose
45. Run in panic
48. Water vapors
51. Opposed
52. Geologic period
54. Resorts
55. Inedible mushroom
59. Marsh bird
62. Angle between leaf and branch
63. Mistake
65. Footnote note
66. Formally surrender
67. Marsh plant
68. Sleigh
69. Anagram of "Nose"
70. Exploit
71. Apprentice
1. Mats of grass
2. Harvest
3. Fire starter
4. Eye makeup
5. Air hero
6. Encircle
7. Farewell
8. Phonodisc
9. Sorrows
10. Murres
11. Portent or omen
12. Exam
15. Audio communication device
21. Loot
23. One single time
25. At low speed
27. Not under
28. Infectious agent
29. Fifth sign of the zodiac
31. Seemingly
32. Absorbs written material
34. Mayday
36. Tallow source
39. Estimated time of arrival
40. Tatters
43. Sharp pointed implements
44. Blabs
46. Cartographic materials
47. Piano player
49. Particles
50. Tallied
53. Multitude
55. Mexican sandwich
56. Beasts of burden
57. Assistant
58. Opera house box
60. Jetty
61. Poi source
64. Scarlet

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for February 2023

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