Crossword puzzle for April 20, 2023

1. Poker holdings
6. Dugout shelter
10. Oceans
14. Cut short
15. "Darn!"
16. Adhesive strip
17. Embankment
18. Puts on
19. Brute
20. Whip
22. Fleece
23. Exploit
24. Probable
26. Seaweed
30. Type of primate
31. Dandy
32. Origin
33. Sounded a bell
35. Moon of Saturn
39. Carefree
41. Large edible marine gastropod
43. Primitive weapon
44. Beige
46. Anagram of "Sore"
47. 3 in Roman numerals
49. Arrange (abbrev.)
50. Depression
51. Quick breads
54. Small
56. Streetcar
57. Materials
63. Diversion
64. Freshwater mussel
65. Range
66. Biblical garden
67. Deserve
68. Terpsichore
69. Where the sun sets
70. Lather
71. Velocity
1. 50%
2. Cain's brother
3. Exploded star
4. Remnant
5. Horse
6. A foolish person (archaic)
7. Diversify
8. Tirade
9. Anagram of "Stifle"
10. Amassed
11. American symbol
12. Spring month
13. Oozing
21. Gain knowledge
25. Infinitesimal amount
26. Circle fragments
27. Coil
28. Disappeared
29. Accomplishment
34. Forts
36. Ripped
37. Any minute
38. Bird home
40. A Great Lake
42. Definitely overcooked
45. Type of American songbird
48. Matters in dispute
51. Scatter
52. Unrefined
53. Desert watering holes
55. Fields
58. Sloth
59. Half-moon tide
60. Walking stick
61. Behold, in old Rome
62. Outbuilding

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