Crossword puzzle for May 2, 2023

1. Vast
6. Flower holder
10. Was a passenger
14. Scope
15. Detail
16. At any point
17. Lace tip
18. Ripped
19. Colloids
20. Fantasizer
22. A Great Lake
23. Ever last one
24. Parental sisters
26. Assault
30. Throb
32. Float
33. Showing curiosity
37. Parental sister
38. Haven
39. District
40. "Weekend warrior"
42. Pilfer
43. Itinerary
44. Catnap
45. Doughnut-shaped roll
47. Buddy
48. Chime
49. Judge
56. Melange
57. Stratum
58. Log home
59. Shredded cabbage
60. Nights before
61. Looked amorously
62. British tax
63. Challenge
64. Requires

1. Small fastener
2. Indian music
3. Sole
4. Ancient
5. Diminish
6. Critical
7. "Smallest" particle
8. Arid
9. Green gemstones
10. Rejuvenate
11. Blatant
12. Salami shops
13. Celtic language
21. Antlered animal
25. Employ
26. Jewish month
27. Not false
28. Cans
29. Pleasure from some memories
30. Sheriff's group
31. Module
33. Hang around
34. Angers
35. Tidy
36. Big bash
38. Produced and discharged eggs
41. Fish eggs
42. Element with the symbol Si
44. Unhappy
45. Young lady
46. Assumed name
47. Pocketbook
48. Pear type
50. Opera star
51. A mocking remark
52. Enclosure
53. Capable
54. Bound
55. Stops

Free Printable Crosswords Today's solution Crosswords for May 2023

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