Crossword puzzle for May 5, 2023

1. Horde
6. Jewish month
10. Smear
14. Infantile paralysis
15. Opera star
16. River in Spain
17. Grain disease
18. Baking appliance
19. Twosome
20. Enduring
22. Anagram of "Seen"
23. Jargon
24. Contemptuous look
25. Jetty
29. Upset
31. Try
33. Back up
37. Focusing glass (plural)
38. Superficiality
39. Dabble
41. Sympathy
42. Extreme
44. River to the North Sea
45. Secret group
48. Flow controller
50. Dugout shelter
51. Child
56. Metal money
57. Decorative case
58. Eatery
59. Suggestion
60. Not fatty
61. Overact
62. Large northern deer
63. Inactive
64. Thick
1. Gush forth
2. Had on
3. Seaweed
4. Violent disturbance
5. Wool eaters
6. One who adores
7. Plunging
8. Retaliator
9. Sounded a bell
10. Reliance
11. Degrade
12. Liquid bodily waste
13. Drill
21. Slipped by
24. Days in a week
25. Buddies
26. Any thing
27. Europe's highest volcano
28. Bridles or chains
30. Spin
32. Nickel or steel
34. Bobbin
35. Belgrade native
36. Coastal raptor
40. Engrossed
41. Oxydize by heating
43. Informal
45. Stash
46. Agitated
47. Extreme edge
49. Terminated
51. Sandwich shop
52. 10 cent coin
53. Any minute
54. Trawling equipment
55. Tall woody plant

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